Typical Projects
Waste Workers Occupational Safety and Health
Training Recycling Workers
Structural Dump, Brasilia, Brazil
A five-session training course was a continuation of the activities of the Stop, Think and Discard (PPD) program. This program is responsible for providing health promotion workshops focusing on topics addressed in the 2017 health questionnaire regarding health outcomes of the scavengers working in the Structural dump.With results from the survey, priorities were identified for health education, which formed the basis of the training sessions.

Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Based on Social Recycling:
Brasilia, Brazil
Greenhouse gases are essential for life, but human activity has worsened their impact. In Brasília, only 12% of urban waste (300 tons) is recycled by independent or cooperative collectors. This research highlights the environmental and climate benefits of these collectors to promote recognition of their work. It encourages awareness, investment in reverse logistics, circular economy, and selective collection, showing that waste picker organizations significantly reduce GHG emissions and save energy.
Lead Biomonitoring in Children of Waste Workers
Brasilia, Brazil
Lead exposure in childhood is of particular concern because it can cause severe neurological and behavioral disorders. This research project aimed to compare lead biomarkers in children of waste pickers living in the contaminated region of the Structural city, to children of non-waste pickers living in other areas of Brasilia. Additionally, teeth were examined to identify dental issues including carious lesions, teeth undergoing exfoliation, and structural defects in enamel, and then correlated with physical and mental conditions.