Posting To the WHWB Blog and Website
OK, let’s assume that you have joined WHWB and after monitoring the site for a while decide you want to post something here on the WHWB blog. How do you go about it?
The first thing to do is decide what you are going to write about, then fire up your word processing program and write your post. Assuming that you have a clear idea of what you want to write about and assuming it has something to do with occupational health and safety, this is a reasonable place to start.
If you are unsure as to whether your topic is appropriate, you can send an email to the webadmin at and ask him if your idea has any merit. He will almost certainly agree that it does, will urge you to complete it and will give you instructions for sending it in. If you can include a photo or two to illustrate your post, so much the better. If you include photos, please indicate where in the post they should be inserted. We will format your submission for publication and send you a link to the draft post. If it meets with your approval we will then post it to the site under your name as contributor.
After you have written a few posts or pages, you may want to take the next step and write directly to the website. If so, simply contact the web administrator at the above email address and he will be happy to demonstrate how it is done and give you any assistance you require. So, what are you waiting for?

Writing a Webpage
Web pages are different from blog entries in that they represent content that is expected to remain on the site for an indefinite period of time.Typically this would be a description of ongoing activities of a project group within WHWB, or instructional material of some sort. As an example of material that is not part of the web site, but could be, an example page fragment is shown here.