Workplace Health Without Borders Webinar  
COVID-19 and Workers in the Informal Economy:
Lessons from Latin America

Wednesday, April 21, 11:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (UTC 15:00)

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Workers in the informal economy — often poorly paid, precarious, at risk, but also the most essential. 

Dra. Gerry Eijkemans, PAHO/WHO and Dr. Fabricio Augusto Menegon will speak at the next Webinar in our series:  Taking Stock; Moving Forward – Reflections on Occupational Health in the time of COVID.  This series explores what we have learned from the pandemic and how we can use this experience to work towards positive change in occupational and public health.

Dr. Menegon, Professor, Public Health Department, University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, has conducted epidemiological and occupational health research in Brazil among workers in the informal economy. He will share what this work reveals about how the informal workforce has been uniquely affected by the COVID-19 crisis, and how Brazil’s acclaimed public health system has attempted to cope.  Aspects of Brazil’s experience are echoed in many other countries, making the lessons learned there highly worth listening to.

Dra. Eijkemans looks at the most vulnerable workers in Latin America from a regional perspective.  She describes the challenges the Pan American Health Organization faces in taking protective measures to scale while remaining sensitive to the concerns and barriers to access to care of the populations it serves. Understanding the social and economic factors underlying this public health crisis is key to reaching and protecting these populations.

The talks will be followed by a Question and Answer session.

We look forward to seeing you!


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Wednesday, April 21 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on Zoom