Welcome to the WHWB Blog. We are open to suggestions from members about what they would like to see here and what they would find most useful to them as occupational health professionals. Remember that nothing on this site is cast in stone and we are continually making changes to improve the site’s usefulness.
We hope the changes we have made better reflect what people expect in their web site and allow easier maintenance for future WHWB administrators and WHWB members who choose to contribute content.
If you wish to contribute content or present notifications of upcoming events, the easiest way is to send us your post as a Word document. We can format it for inclusion and publish it here. If you wish to modify your post at a later time or delete it completely you can do so with a simple email to us.
If you want to become more heavily involved in the web site, just contact us. We would be delighted to have you on board.
To contribute content at any time, please contact the site administrator at webadmin@whwb.org.