WWOSH Publications
Waste Pickers at the Heart of the Circular Economy: A Perspective of Inclusive Recycling from the Global South
Cite: Gutberlet, J. & Carenzo, S. (2020) Waste Pickers at the Heart of the Circular Economy: A Perspective of Inclusive Recycling from the Global South. Worldwide Waste: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(1): 6, 1–14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/wwwj.50
Health Conditions and Occupational Risks in a Novel Group: Waste Pickers in the Largest Open Garbage Dump in Latin America
Cite: Cruvinel et al. (2019). Health conditions and occupational risks in a novel group: Waste pickers in the largest open dump in Latin America. BMC Public Health, 19(581).
Ineffective Waste Site Closures in Brazil: A Systematic Review on Continuing Health Conditions and Occupational Hazards of Waste Collectors
Cite: Zolnikov T. R., da Silva R. C., Tuesta A. A., Marques C. P., & Cruvinel V. R. N. (2018). Ineffective waste site closures in Brazil: A systematic review on continuing health conditions and occupational hazards of waste collectors. Waste Management, 80, 26-39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2018.08.047
Where your Electronics go to Die
Cite: Zolnikov T. R. (2018). Where your electronics go to die. American Journal of Public Health, 108(5), 582. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304394
Medication Disposal: A Reflection about Possible Sanitary and Environmental Risks
Cite: Ramos H. M. P., Cruvinel V. R. N., Meiners M. M. M., Queiroz C. A., & Galato D. (2017). Medication disposal: A reflection about possible sanitary and environmental risks. Ambiente & Sociedade, 20(4), 145-168.
Household waste and health risks affecting waste pickers and the environment in low-and middle income countries
Cite: Gutberlet J. & Uddin S. M. N. (2017). Household
waste and health risks affecting waste pickers and the environment in low- and middle-income countries, International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 23(4), 299-310.
Waste Picker Organizations and Their Contribution to the Circular Economy: Two Case Studies from a Global South Perspective
Cite: Gutberlet J., Carenzo S., Kain, J-H., & de Azevedo, A. M. M. (2017). Waste Picker Organizations and Their Contribution to the Circular Economy: Two Case Studies from a Global South Perspective. Resources, 6(52).
Bridging Weak Links of Solid Waste Management in Informal Settlements
Cite: Gutberlet, J., Kain, J-H., Nyakinya, B., Oloko, M., Zapata, P., & Zapata Campos, M. J. (2016). Bridging Weak Links of Solid Waste Management in Informal Settlements.The Journal of Environment & Development.
Health conditions and occupational risks in a novel group: waste pickers in the largest open garbage dump in Latin America
Cite: Cruvinel, V. R. N., Marques, C. P., Cardoso, V., Novaes, M. R. C. G., Araújo, W. N., Tuesta, A. A., Escalda, P. M. F., Galato, D., Brito, P., & Silva, E. N. (2019) Health conditions and occupational risks in a novel group: waste pickers in the largest open garbage dump in Latin America. BMC Public Health, 19(581).
Assets and vulnerabilities of informal recyclers in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Cite: Uddin, S. M. N. & Gutberlet, J. (2018) Livelihoods and health status of informal recyclers in Mongolia. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 134: 1–9.
Research report: Recycling Network and Mapping Waste Governance
Cite: Azevedo, A. M. M. de; Carenzo, S.; Goodluck, C.; Gutberlet, J.; Kain, J.-H.; Oloko, M. O.; Pérez Reynosa, J.; Zapata, P. & Zapata Campos, M. J. (2018) Inclusive waste governance and grassroots innovations for social, environmental and economic change: Report on first research outcomes of the project Recycling Networks & Waste Governance. Swedish Research Council (n° 2016-06289) and Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (n° 890-2016-0098). In collaboration with WIEGO. ISBN 978-91-984547-3-4.
Additional Publications
Garbage Collectors: One of the Most Hazardous Jobs
Garbage collectors are exposed to a variety of hazards including ergonomic injuries, cuts from sharp objects, and exposure to bacteria and toxins. This short article provides a review of important workplace exposures and proportion of garbage collectors affected. Read more…
Cite: Tibbetts, J. (2013). Garbage collection is “one of the most hazardous jobs”. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 185(7), E284. DOI:10.1503/cmaj.109-4434
Waste Management – A Global Challenge
The Global Waste Management Outlook (GWMO) is a comprehensive global overview of the current state of waste management around the world, focusing on regulatory instruments, partnerships, and financing arrangements. The GWMO sets out five Global Waste Management Goals and a 10-point Global Call to Action. Some key findings include best estimates of total solid waste, cost of not managing wastes properly, and number of people without access to waste collection services. This article also outlines benefits of sound waste management as it may be linked to health, climate change, poverty reduction, food and resource security, and sustainable production and consumption, as well as future research needs. Read more…
Cite: Wilson, D. C., & Velis, C. A. (2015). Waste management – still a global challenge in the 21st century: An evidence-based call for action. Waste Management & Research, 33(12), 1049–1051. DOI: 10.1177/0734242X15616055
Informal Economy Monitoring Study Sector Report: Waste Pickers
The Informal Economy Monitoring Study is a longitudinal study consisting of 10 cities worldwide aiming to better understand how three groups of informal workers are affected by economic and social forces. This report focuses on waste pickers highlighting individual, household and enterprise characteristics, driving forces, and theoretical, research and policy lessons. Read more…
Cite: Dias, Sonia, and Melanie Samson. 2016. Informal Economy Monitoring Study Sector Report: Waste Pickers. Cambridge, MA, USA: WIEGO.
How we Closed the Second Largest Dump in the World
This report captures the process implemented by the Federal District Government pertaining to the closure of the Estrutural dumpsite, deemed the second largest dumpsite in the world. The strategy employed to close the dump, which included 42 essential activities as identified in the prior Intervention Plan, is presented. Read here.
Cite: Campos, H. K. T. (2018). How we closed the second largest dump in the world. Brazil: Federal District Government.
Helping the Hard Ones: Child Scavengers of the Philippines
Cite: Helping the Hard Ones: Child Scavengers of the Philippines. 1995. International Labour Office. Geneva, Switzerland.
Minas Gerais: Waste Picker Health & Safety
An exploratory health risk mapping in five waste picker cooperatives in Brazil considers waste pickers’ work routines and workplace conditions, and highlights the specific risks faced, which are often exacerbated by the exclusion from labour and social protection measures. Read here.
Cite: Minas Gerais: Waste Picker Health & Safety. 2019. WIEGO. Minas Gerais, Brazil.