Your Thoughts on the Website
The present version of the WHWB website has been “live” for about 7 weeks now and we hope you have had an opportunity to explore it. We also hope you approve of the change we have made to make it a bit more contemporary than the old site. We are interested in hearing your impressions and suggestions for improvements.
The site exists to serve and inform the WHWB membership and to give you a forum for information exchange. It is intended to be your site. As it stands now, It is incomplete, because it does not yet have your contributions.
The blog allows you to comment on any post you see here. Submitted comments go to the web administrator for approval, before appearing here. This is to minimize spam, or offensive entries from outside parties. It is not to in anyway censor legitimate comment from our members, although you do have to be a member of WHWB to post.

So what if you want to publish a post that is more than a brief comment on something you have read here? Assuming that it is in someway related to occupational health and safety, and not your recent novel that was turned down by all of the publishers you submitted it to, just send it to us as a Word file. We will format it for the site and publish it here. Please include photos to illustrate your submission, if you wish.
If you would like to get more involved with the production of the website, please consider joining the website working group. Send an email to the site administrator and we will get right back to you!